Born in the city of Mumbai, INDIA ,having completed a degree in Economics.
I left the shores of India for East Africa after my marriage in 1956. Life was very mundane but I pursued my zest for learning various skills, including Sewing, embroidery, sugarcraft.
One day, going through my wedding gifts was a set of books entitled THE GREATEST PAINTERS OF THEIR TIMES. It included paintings of Vincent Van Gogh, Degas, Monet and Rembrandt. I would read them with great love and a desire to paint. This remained dormant for years due to personal circumstances. My travels took me to The Louvre, Metropolitan Museum of Art, V&A, but the most important call came from Geeta Kapoor to join her painting class. The call came at a time when I felt completely lost and I had lost my son. It was the start of a journey of no return, for which I will always be grateful. It gave me a purpose in life.